7 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

As a mom, a majority of the Christmas traditions fall on your shoulders, right? The reality is that women are responsible for a significant portion of the holiday season from purchasing gifts, creating menus, shopping, wrapping, decorating, coordinating social events, and all of the normal daily tasks and work. The holidays can be a very stressful time. In fact, the American Psychological Association found that nearly half of all women in the United States experience heightened stress during the holidays.

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So what can you do to manage your stress this Christmas?

Here are 7 suggestions to help reduce stress and make your Christmas more enjoyable:

1.       Make a To-Do List – I prefer a calendar, but lists work great too. This will help you to see the big picture. If you need all of your Christmas shopping done by a certain date then write it on the calendar, or if you know your child has a Christmas performance at church on a certain Sunday then make a note of it. If you see that it is looking too busy then reorganize it so that it’s a Christmas you and your family will enjoy. This leads me into point number two.

2.       Don’t Over Commit – Make a list of the activities that would make your family’s holiday season most memorable. You can even ask each family member for their input. This will help you to know which activities are most important for your family to participate in, and simply forego the less meaningful activities or events. Prioritize your family’s time and only commit to what you want to do.

3.       Delegate – Sometimes this is hard for me to do because I want it done “right,” but I’m learning that it’s good for my children to learn responsibility and it helps take something off my to do list. So, if you need to wrap presents, but you also have dishes to put away or clothes to fold let your kids take on the house work while you wrap presents. (It won’t be to your standards the first time around, but they will be so proud of their hard work!)

4.       Rest – Rest is key when it comes to managing your stress. If you don’t take time to rest this can lead to irritability and exhaustion which actually reduces your productivity. And when your body is exhausted it can suppress your immune system causing you to catch an illness, which is the last thing you want during this time of year! So take a 15 minute nap, go to bed at a decent hour, sit down and read a book, or enjoy a Hallmark movie!

5.       Get Moving – One of the best ways to boost energy levels and reduce stress is through exercise, so get moving. You can take a stroll around the neighborhood to tour Christmas decorations, take a brisk walk around the mall to shop, or find a 15 minute workout video online.

6.       Eat Real Food – It’s so easy to be tempted by all the sugary treats during the holiday season, but these empty calories can drain your energy, focus, and often leave you feeling guilty for indulging. Pick foods that will help enhance your mood, productivity and energy like fruits, vegetables, healthy fats (cheeses, bacon, olive oil, nuts, etc.), and protein.  It’s ok to savor a sweet treat on special occasions, but help reduce stress it’s best to stick to real food.

7.       Challenge Negative Self-Talk – Our thoughts are powerful messages telling us how we should respond to situations or people. When we are stressed, it’s easy for us to have those mom-guilt thoughts running through our head. Instead of believing those thoughts ask yourself what evidence backs up that thought. For example, I’m not going to be able to enjoy the holidays; there’s too much to do. Challenge that thought with, Have I delegated any tasks or do I really need to do all of these things?

Christmastime is meant to be filled with joy not stress. Take time to slow down and think about what you and your family really want to do this season. Don’t get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that you forget to enjoy the people you love most.