Games My Children Love

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Last week I shared about the importance of creating family memories. My family has created a family memory that I hope continues for many, many years. We have game night at the end of each month. It doesn’t matter what day the end of the month falls on because we all know that we will make time to have game night on that day.

We enjoy having picnic or snack type food on game night that way we can continue to play our games while we eat dinner.

We typically let each child pick a game for everyone to enjoy and if there is enough time then mommy or daddy gets to pick a game. Every now and then I like to through in a new game. Or I might change things up all together and create an escape room challenge or have a water game night.

This is what our family chooses to do, but it’s not what you have to do. The point is to find something that your family will enjoy doing together where you can bond and create lasting memories. In case you would like to create your own family game night, here are our favorite games:

Click the Game to view on Amazon