Digital Use Quiz

Are you in control of your phone or is your phone in control of you? Take this quiz to find out if you are distracted by your phone and in need of a detox.
Answer each question truthfully on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being “never” and 5 being “all the time.” Then tally your score at the end of the quiz to find how your phone relationship fares.

Let’s tally up those points!
12-20: You are in charge of your phone; your phone is not in charge of you! Way to go! You have a healthy relationship with your phone and have no problem being separated from it. (You might not even know where it is right now.)
21-32: Mild case of nomophobia (fear of being without a phone). You get a little antsy when you forget your phone or get stuck without WiFi, but you manage.
33-45: Moderate case of nomophobia. You’re pretty attached to your phone. You often check for updates. You sleep with your phone on the nightstand right next to you in case you need to check it in the middle of the night. It’s very hard for you to be disconnected. It might be time for a digital detox.
46-60: Severe case of nomophobia. Your phone is with you 24/7. It’s the first thing you check when you wake up in the morning and last thing you check at night. You often think you hear your phone ding when it actually didn’t. You stop everything you’re doing to check a notification you received. It’s time for a digital intervention!
Comment below to share your results from the quiz. Are you more reliant on your phone than you thought? I know I tend to go through phases of being reliant on my phone, more so than I want to be, and I have to intentionally detox myself from my phone so that my phone isn’t the one in control. Next week, I will share why our phones become so addicting and how to combat that addiction.
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