Want To Give Your Child an Advantage?

Help your child expand their vocabulary, enhance their reading comprehension, develop their critical thinking skills, and have fun…all while practicing math a few minutes a day!

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Here to Help: As a mom of 3, I understand that you want to do everything you can to help prepare your child for future success. But life gets hectic, and the idea of figuring out what to teach your child can be overwhelming. That’s why I wanted to give moms, like you, the tools you need to help your child.

Learn What Matters: As a former schoolteacher, I researched state standards to understand what concepts your child should be able to master at the end of the school year. Based on that research, I created unique, age-appropriate activity pages to teach the concepts in a fun way.

Benefits of Math Exposure: Exposing children to math helps expand their vocabulary so that they can explain their thoughts better. (“I want the big, red cup” opposed to “I want the cup.”) Math also helps children develop the capability to organize their thoughts, which can lead to better reading comprehension skills. Just a few minutes a day practicing math helps to keep these skills fresh in your child’s mind and gives them the advantage to feel confident and succeed.

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Need Some Guidance?

Ask an expert! Autumn McKay is the ultimate resource on early education. She is always available to assist you.



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